Services Généraux
Pol. Ind. El Sequero
Avda. del Ebro, parcela 9
26150 Agoncillo
La Rioja - España
T: +34 941 48 65 50
F: +34 941 48 65 52
- Domiberia certifies renewable energy sources at its facilities.
- Domiberia certifies renewable energy sources at its facilities.
- Usine à Villadangos del Páramo en Espagne, un an après l’inauguration et tojours avec des projects d’agrandissement
- Digitalisation des processus de l’entreprise, integration de la gestion des 7 filiales de la société grâce à SAP ERP et SAP Orchestration Process.
- Building our brand up. We are a great family. Miravalles Plant
Domiberia certifies renewable energy sources at its facilities.
In line with its values, Domiberia is committed to contributing to the sustainability of the planet, including reducing our carbon footprint by using certified 40% minimum of sources of renewable energy in year 2023.
Domiberia certifies renewable energy sources at its facilities.
In line with its values, Domiberia is committed to contributing to the sustainability of the planet, including reducing our carbon footprint by using certified 25% minimum of sources of renewable energy in year 2022 increasing to 40% in 2023.
Usine à Villadangos del Páramo en Espagne, un an après l’inauguration et tojours avec des projects d’agrandissement
Digitalisation des processus de l’entreprise, integration de la gestion des 7 filiales de la société grâce à SAP ERP et SAP Orchestration Process.
Building our brand up. We are a great family. Miravalles Plant
Domiberia and BT: Tasty asset tracking technology